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Stoic Gorilla

With Funky Monkey Fashion, we wanted to provide clothing that embraces the nature of our content while also being something you could wear every day. We plan to keep regularly releasing creative and unique designs you'll love.


In the near future, we plan to move from just clothing and merch to also selling monkey-related products.  



As much as we enjoy making merch, we wanted to do more with our influence.


In the past, we've sold products while donating 10% of our profits to various charities and foundations. While we aren't doing this currently, we have a couple of designs where 15% of profits are donated to charity, and in the future, we will have weeks where we donate a % of all products sold during the period.



Happy Chimp

Our Past Endeavors

Check out the charities and foundations we've helped fund in the past, and hope to further support in the future. It ain't much, but it's honest work. (All amounts are in USD)


Center For Great Apes

$130 Raised

Dian Fossey Gorilla Fund Logo

Dian Fossey Gorilla fund

$63 Raised

Neotropical Primate Conservation Logo

Neotropical Primate Conservation

$46 Raised

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